

About Me

The days of flying around Europe in the company plane and travelling Business Class to the USA had suddenly come to end. The time had come for the office to make the obligatory collection, sign the ‘Happy Retirement' card and gather at the local hostelry for that farewell speech from the boss, who actually seemed almost human and, now I came to look at him, ridiculously young.

Finally, the great day had arrived, I had retired, and had been catapulted into the strange world outside of corporate life and all the time in the world to think about the ‘rest of my life’.

That was all a few years ago, so now, with a ‘significant’ birthday approaching fast, I thought it time to seriously think about how to keep mind and body in good shape so that I can make the most of these glorious, no-company-deadlines days.

I realised that I needed to do some research into how to maximise the effectiveness of my life, and this blog is the  result, highlighting many aspects of personal development that I have tried, tested and recommend.

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